Sabooj Sathi – The flagship scheme from Government of West Bengal for distribution of bicycles to students studying in classes IX to XII in Government and Government Aided Schools and Madrasahs of the State.
Primary Challenges
- Hosted in the Government Data Centre, ensuring performance optimization and implementing auto-scaling was a big challenge.
- End-of-life hardware often made the application suffer with frequent breakdowns and inadequate support from the OEMs.
- The application was in PHP 4.2, which was prone to cyber attacks due to outdated security features and lack of updates.
The Solution
- Migrated the application to a modern cloud-based infrastructure, enabling performance optimization and implementing auto-scaling for handling variable loads effectively.
- Developed a robust security governance framework to implement cloud security policies, procedures, incident management, security alerts, continuous monitoring, security audits, and ensure compliance.
- Delivered managed security monitoring and incident management services by integrating AWS native controls like AWS CloudTrail and AWS CloudWatch with third-party SIEM solutions.
- Established a comprehensive lifecycle process for cloud infrastructure and vulnerability management, ensuring continuous assessment and prompt remediation of risks.
- Upgraded the application to a secure and stable version of PHP, addressing vulnerabilities and protecting against cyber threats.